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All you need to know about UPSC exam row

Written By Sambasivarao on Wednesday, August 6, 2014 | Wednesday, August 06, 2014

 "The government introduced change in the syllabus of the Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT) in 2011, which replaced the existing Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination. Not satisfied with the changes announced by the government in the UPSC exam, scores of civil services aspirants started protesting against it. In the new syllabus, the UPSC decided to replace the optional subject paper with a paper that tests the aspirants' aptitude. The syllabus for this paper, protesting aspirants allege, is heavily tilted in favour of those from the Science or, more specifically, Engineering background and is discriminatory against students from Humanities, particularly those who have studied in Hindi-medium. 


 * Civil Services Exam is in two parts, preliminary ; mains, followed by an interview. The preliminary test comprises a General Studies Paper (200 marks) & an aptitude test (CSAT) also of 200 marks

 * Protesters are against the aptitude test and want it scrapped 

 * They claim aptitude test favours candidates who studied in English medium schools

 * They demand a Hindi alternative to the compulsory use of English (in many sections) in the current test format

 * Most political parties are supporting the students 

 * Those against the protest say English language questions of Class X level that any graduate should know enough to handle


 1. Scrap aptitude test (CSAT) introduced in 2011
 2. Postpone prelim test from Aug 24 to allow change in format (Denied) 
 3. Allow applicants for civil services exam in 2011 another chance even if they've crossed age limit of 32 or have exhausted their six attempts (Agreed) 
 4. Simplify English language part/ paper in main exam 
 5. Allow interview in languages other than English 


 * No scrapping. But compulsory English language comprehension part of 20 marks in the CSAT will not be taken into account when drawing up preliminary merit list. That means CSAT marking will be done on 180 marks. Prelim marks total: 380, not 400. ROAD AHEAD

 * Decisions have to be cleared by Union Public Service Commission that conducts the two-part exam

 * Agitators are unhappy with govt decision 

 * Protests may continue * Political class by and large supporting and encouraging the protests Post a comment "

 -Times Of India
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