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Lift & Shift the house - Amazing News in India

Written By Sambasivarao on Thursday, August 16, 2012 | Thursday, August 16, 2012

Mamchand And Sons has added a new dimension to real estate business. Just a decade back, we could not think of lifting a building and shifting it or never thought that the level of a house or a multi-storey building can be lifted two-to-three foot or more.

But today, Mamchand And Sons have made it possible. Now it is very easy to lift the level of house to desired needs and if you want to shift a house or a building, it is also possible. All you need to do is just get in touch with Mamchand And Sons. 

Services offered by Mamchand And Sons

Uplift the house from road level
Shift the house without any damage
Specialize in lifting the level of the multi-storey building

The company takes the risk of any damage during the lifting or shifting of a house or building.

To know more about services offered by Mamchand And Sons get touch with the company official through mail or phone.

You can e-mail your query at: mamchandandsons@gmail.com


Further note from Mnachande:

If your house is below road level and you have no clue as how to raise its level without re-building it.  Mamchand And Sons specialize in lifting and shifting the houses without any damage and raising their level in one go with the help of jack. It might seem a bit unbelievable but it is true. 

Till date, we have raised levels of many houses at minimum cost and without any damage to the structure. Our sole aim is to provide cost effective service and safe service to our customers. This is a unique technique that corrects the wrongs done during building a house or a multi-storey building. 

With this scientific technique, we have helped many of our customers. By opting for this cheap and effective method, they have saved lakhs of rupees and their valuable time. We fully understand how much hard work, labor and money costs in building a house or a multi-storey building. Keeping this in mind we chalk out an effective plan to ensuring that no damage is done to your house or building, when lifting its level or shifting its base.

You might be wondering, if there is some damage to the building during the work, who will be responsible for that. The company has such goodwill among customers and belief in itself that the company takes the risk of any damage.

So what are you waiting for, if you have a house or a building that needs to be lifted two-to-three foot or above, just get in touch with us. We assure you of easy, damage free and cost effective service.
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