
Monday, January 21, 2013

PMP - Communication Management Notes (20 pts)

Communication Management

1. Project Managers spent 90% of their time  project communication.

2. Better project manager might create a communication management plan and report more than status report

3. In additional to that they ask stake holders what they need to communicate them.

4. Proper project management requires you to ...

·        Identify Stakeholders [All of them]
·        Determine ALL of their requirements
·        Determine their requirements
·        Determine their expectations.
·        Determine their interests.
·        Determine their level of influence.
·        Plan how will you continue with them
·        Communicate with them.
·        Manage their expectations and influence

5. Communication methods are:

·        Interactive communication :-
o   Ex: Conversation, Meeting, Conference calls.
·        Push Communication [One way communication] :
o   Ex: Status reports, E-mail updates, and company memos.
·        Pull Communication :-
o   Ex:- Place the information in central location

6. Can the project manager control all communication - No

7. Should the project manager try to control communication - Yes

8. Communication channels can be calculated with the formula [n(n-1)/2]

9. Report Performance:

·        Variance Analysis (Baseline Vs Actual performance)
·        Forecasting Methods ( Time series, Casual/econometric, Judgemental, Other methods- Simulating,    Probabilistic, ensemble forecasting)
·        Communication Methods
·        Reporting systems

10. Performance Reports  (*Output of Report Performance)
·        Status reports:
·        Progress reports:
·        Trend reports:
·        Forecasting
·        Variance
·        Earned value
·        Lessons learned documentation

12. Performance Measurement Baselines [PMB]:
    3 baselines  - Technical, Schedule, Cost

·        Decompose scope into work package
·        Assign responsibility for deliverables
·        Arrange work package in logical order
·        Develop BCWS for work pakages
·        Set performance measurement baseline

13. Stakeholders classification model:
·        Power/Interest
·        Power/Influence
·        Influence/Impact
·        Sailence Model (Power, Urgency, Legitimacy)

14. Face- to - Face communication - 
·        Words (%7) 
·        Paralingual element (38%)  - Pitch & tone
·        Non Verbal element (%55) - Gesture, Facial, Physical appearance..etc

15. Most effective mean of communication in resolving issues - Face-to - Face

16. Plan Communication tools of 4 "C"s

·        Communication requirement Analysis - Determine information needs for stakeholders
·        Communication Technology - Methods use to transfer information
·        Communication Models  - (Encode -Message -Medium - Noise - Decode)
·        Communication Methods - (Interactive - Push - Pull)

17. Communication Channels: a) Vertical (Up & Down)  & b) Horizontal (Peers)

18. Communication Types :- Formal Written/Verbal & Informal Written/Verbal

19. Communication activity has potential dimensions:

o   Internal : Within the project
o   External: Customer, Other Projects, The Media, The Public

Management Styles
AuthoritarianLets individuals know what is expected of them
CombativeEager to fight or be disagreeable over any situation
ConciliatoryFriendly and agreeable
DisruptiveTends to disrupt unity and cause disorder
EthicalHonest and sincere
FacilitatingDoes not interfere with day-to-day tasks, but is available for help and guidance when needed
IntimidatingReprimands employees for the sake of a “tough guy” image
JudicialApplies sound judgment
PromotionalCultivates team spirit; rewards good work; encourages subordinates to realize their full potential
SecretiveNot open or outgoing in speech, activity, or purpose
Management Skills
LeadingEstablishing direction, aligning people, and motivating and inspiring
CommunicatingThe exchange of information in a variety of dimensions
NegotiatingConferring with others in order to come to terms or reach an agreement
Problem SolvingA combination of problem definition and decision making
Influencing the OrganizationThe ability to get things done based on an understanding or the formal and informal structures of the organization

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