According to Ayurveda, the five elements (fire, earth, water, air & space) in their biological form combine to form three basic energies in the body. These three basic energies are the primary life forces or biological humors, called doshas in Ayurveda. These three primary doshas are vata, pitta and kapha. They help regulate physical functionings within our body, besides providing us with our individual physical characteristics.
The constitution of a person is primarily determined by the dominant dosha. Your predominant dosha could be any one of the three, a combination of any two or all the three in a balanced form:
The constitution of a person is primarily determined by the dominant dosha. Your predominant dosha could be any one of the three, a combination of any two or all the three in a balanced form:
• | Vata | • | Kapha | • | Vata-Kapha |
• | Pitta | • | Vata-Pitta | • | Pitta-Kapha |
Check Your VPK
To find out your Ayurvedic constitution, select one quality from each row that best describes your physical qualities. After you have finished taking the test, submit your responses. The category with the maximum score is supposedly your predominant dosha or Ayurvedic constitution. Very often there are two (equal or almost equal) predominant doshas. This indicates that you have a dual constitution. Rarely does one have a tridoshicconstitution, which is a combination of all the three Ayurvedic doshas.
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