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Enterprise Environmental Factors (EEF)

Written By Sambasivarao on Wednesday, December 18, 2013 | Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Enterprise environmental factors refer to conditions, not under the control of the project team, that influence, constrain, or direct the project. Enterprise environmental factors are considered inputs to most planning processes, may enhance or constrain project management options, and may have a positive or negative influence on the outcome.

Enterprise environmental factors vary widely in type or nature. Enterprise environmental factors include, but are not limited to:

                      (*Click On these images for enlarge)

 Organizational culture, structure, and governance;
 Geographic distribution of facilities and resources;
 Government or industry standards (e.g., regulatory agency regulations, codes of conduct, product standards,  quality standards, and workmanship standards);
 Infrastructure (e.g., existing facilities and capital equipment);
 Existing human resources (e.g., skills, disciplines, and knowledge, such as design, development, legal,  contracting, and purchasing);
 Personnel administration (e.g., staffing and retention guidelines, employee performance reviews and training  records, reward and overtime policy, and time tracking);
 Company work authorization systems;
 Marketplace conditions;
 Stakeholder risk tolerances;
 Political climate;
 Organization’s established communications channels;
 Commercial databases (e.g., standardized cost estimating data, industry risk study information, and risk databases); and
 Project management information system (e.g., an automated tool, such as a scheduling software tool, a configuration management system, an information collection and distribution system, or web interfaces to other online automated systems).
Stake holder risk tolerance
Productivity Metrics
Published commercial information/checklists
Industry studies
Risk attitude
Currency exchange rates
Rules, Standards, Guidelines specific to application area
Suppliers, including past performance or reputations
Unique local requirements

Typical terms and conditions for product, services,  and results for the specific industry
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