
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Know if someone using your Wi-Fi connection ?

"Today, Wireless Internet Connections aka Wi-Fi is widely used whether it is office or home. If someone one using your wireless connection and you are not aware of it, then it may cost you badly ! Here, no intention of threatening, take it as a warning. If you have not unsecured internet connection or it’s not properly secured then there are good chances of connection being used by another person very easily. I know, everyone is not geek enough to do all those setting with weird terminology so, I will give you simple portable application to check, Who is using your internet connection ?

 Wireless Network Watcher is a simple portable application which will help you to track all the computers and devices connected to your wireless router. This application will give you the details of Local IP, MAC Address, Computer Name, Name of company of Network adapter and device information. This application facilitates you to export the list of connected device and computer to XML, HTML and Text File. "

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