The University Grants Commission (UGC) has allocated Rs. 300 Crore funds for the Inter-University Centre (IUC), which has decided to establish for the first time in the country for Teacher Education at the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada (JNTUK).
These funds are to be used for coming 5years to the centre. Sources said that the services of IUC are to be started from Sankranti festival. Following the recommendations of Justice J.S. Verma Commission on Teacher Education, the UGC has decided to set up the IUC and identified the JNTUK as an ideal location for it.
The major objectives of the IUC-TE would be the nucleation of teaching and research departments in various universities, sponsoring guest faculty from universities to work at the centre, organizing advanced level summer/winter schools and refresher courses and to promote effective linkages on continuing basis and support networking among the universities in the field of teacher education.
These funds are to be used for coming 5years to the centre. Sources said that the services of IUC are to be started from Sankranti festival. Following the recommendations of Justice J.S. Verma Commission on Teacher Education, the UGC has decided to set up the IUC and identified the JNTUK as an ideal location for it.
The major objectives of the IUC-TE would be the nucleation of teaching and research departments in various universities, sponsoring guest faculty from universities to work at the centre, organizing advanced level summer/winter schools and refresher courses and to promote effective linkages on continuing basis and support networking among the universities in the field of teacher education.
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